Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You're Invited to a Public Discussion about the Mascoma River!

Come find out about a non-regulatory, community-based approach to river management.
Share what you value about the Mascoma River and its watershed and voice your ideas and concerns for the river’s future.

The Mascoma River Nominating Committee, a tri-town citizen’s group concerned about the river’s future, is working to nominate the Mascoma River into the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program. Successful nomination would create a broadly representative Local Advisory Committee to address river-related issues cooperatively in the wider watershed area.

Please attend any of the sessions in three riverfront towns!
Public Discussion with the Lebanon Planning Board and Conservation Commission
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 7:00 pm, Lebanon Opera House, 51 North Park St, Lebanon

Public Discussion with the Canaan Board of Selectmen
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 7:00 pm, Canaan Fire Station, 62 NH Route 118, Canaan

Public Discussion in the Town of Enfield
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 6:30 pm, Enfield Community Building, 308 US Route 4, Enfield

For more information, please go to www.uvlsrpc.org/MascomaRiver.html or call Rachel at 448-1680. Sponsored by the Mascoma River Nominating Committee with support from Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission.