Friday, May 14, 2010

Dedication Ceremony at the Nathaniel & Ina Thurber Memorial Forest

Join us in Unity, NH on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 2:30pm!

The Upper Valley Land Trust, the Town of Unity, and Laura & Walter Ryan and family welcome the community to join us as we celebrate and dedicate the recently conserved Nathaniel & Ina Thurber Memorial Forest in Unity, NH. The Upper Valley Land Trust holds a conservation easement on the property that was recently gifted to the town by the Ryans in honor of Laura’s parents. The Conservation Commission plans to maintain recreational trails that traverse the property for the public’s enjoyment and will be developing a forest management plan to guide future forestry activities. Please join us and see what a great resource this is! For more information about the conservation of this forest, please see our previous post:

Join us at 2:30pm at the parking area and trailhead off Lear Hill Road. We will take a leisurely walk to the hilltop to enjoy the beautiful views. Following the hike, the Ryans will host a reception at their home in Newport to celebrate this special place.

Directions to the Forest:

Directions from the Forest to the Ryans' home: port:NH:03773-1432:US:43.370134:-72.175729:address::1:::/io:1:::::f:en_US:M:98373152,98373224:/bl:/e